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“The time rate of change of velocity of a body is called acceleration”.

Velocity is a vector quantity so any change in magnitude or direction or both are involved to produce acceleration.


The SI unit of acceleration is (ms¯²) and its dimension is [LT ¯²].

Average Acceleration:

“The ratio of total change in velocity to the total time is called average velocity”.

Consider a body whose velocity v₂ in further small interval ∆t. The average acceleration during the time interval ∆t is given by

Instantaneous Acceleration:

“The acceleration of a body at any instant of time is called instantaneous acceleration”.

The instantaneous acceleration is obtained from the average acceleration as ∆t is made smaller and smaller till it approaches zero.

Positive Acceleration:

If the velocity of the body is increasing then the acceleration is taken as positive.

Negative Acceleration:

If the velocity of the body is decreasing then the acceleration is taken as negative. The negative acceleration is also called deceleration or retardation.

Uniform Acceleration:

If the velocity of the body changes by equal amounts in equal intervals of time, then the body is said to have uniform acceleration. If the body is moving with uniform acceleration then its average and instantaneous acceleration will be same. View more on psalmfresh.blogspot.com for more educating and tricks article Thank you

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